NGIZ Amsterdam | Vooraankondiging exposé | “De impact van Big Data op Internationale Betrekkingen”.

Datum: 12-11-2015

The (digital) world around us is changing rapidly. People are more connected than ever before. Like it or not, everyone leaves a digital footprint which does not stop at the traditional border.

Big Data has been defined in several different ways, for example “A new attitude by businesses, non-profits, government agencies, and individuals that combining data from multiple sources could lead to better decisions.” The so called “3Vs”—volume, variety, and velocity – are the global data challenges for enterprises, politics, and people.

Big Data is used by advertising companies to attract consumers, by some refugees who spread information about where to go and, as Edward Snowden recently revealed, by intelligence agencies who monitor the behavior of the public in search of total security.

But what about the impact of Big Data in International Relations? What promises and threats does Big Data hold for the future? Can Big Data be useful in explaining or forecasting global issues, like the shifting of hegemonic powers, intelligence, security and safety issues between and within nations, or the implosions of nations, among others?

To answer these questions and more, and illuminate the role of Big Data in the International Relations, NGIZ and SiB Amsterdam are pleased to announce keynote speaker prof. Dr. Andrej Zwitter (RuG, specialist in the ethic consequences of big data, and first commentor assistant professor Stefania Milan big data and social movements) to discuss the impact of Big Data on International Relations with the audience.

We hope to see you there!

The board of NGIZ Amsterdam and SiB Amsterdam.


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Datum: donderdag 12 november 2015 om 19.30


Café 96
Prinsengracht 96-98
1015 DZ Amsterdam

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