NGIZ Den Haag | Turkije Instituut | “Iraq, Syria and the Rise of ISIS: What To Do”

Datum: 07-04-2015

Public Lecture by Joost Hiltermann, Director of the MENA Program of the International Crisis Group (ICG, Brussels

Iraq, Syria and the Rise of ISIS:

What To Do”

Since the fall of Mosul in June 2014 the rise of ISIS has dominated the news all around the world and has grown into a cause of grave concern for politicians from inside and outside the region.

Following the attack on the office of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo in January, attention in Europe has somewhat shifted to the phenomenon of radicalized muslim youngsters joining IS or returning from Syria/Iraq with a destructive mission after a traumatizing stay as Jihadists. At the same time, the fighting in the region continues.

The Kurdish peshmergas, assisted by airstrikes from the coalition, have so far inflicted limited damage on the 20.000 to 30.000 IS fighters on the ground. Will IS be able to stand against a growing number of participating countries in this otherwise politically feeble international coalition? Where does IS gets its funding and what will be the long-term consequences of the further disintegration of central authorities in the MENA region?

These and other questions will be tackled by Joost Hiltermann on April 7 in his lecture, followed by Q&A. After the meeting you are cordially invited by LUC to join in for drinks at the Student Café on the first floor.

The meeting will take place from 16.00-18.00 hrs at the Leiden University Campus (LUC), Anna van Buerenplein 301, adjacent to the Hague Central Station.

The meeting is organized by the Turkije Instituut, NGIZ, LUC and made possible by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


For registering please use the following link









Datum: dinsdag 7 april 2015 om 16.00


Leiden University Campus (LUC)
Anna van Buerenplein 301
The Hague ( adjacent to the Hague Central Station.)

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