De Rijksbrede Kennisagenda, Trends & Ontwikkelingen
De Wetenschappelijk Raadsadviseur nodigt u uit voor de lunchlezing
Nederland over 15 jaar, de verwevenheid van binnenland en buitenland.
‘Een foresight in de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen voor het Nederlandse beleid van de rijksoverheid tot 2025.’
Met inleidingen door strategen van verschillende ministeries,
vervolgens discussie.
Datum: 24 februari 2011
Locatie: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken
Oude Perszaal (00C31)
Zaal open: 12.00 uur (broodjeslunch, koffie en thee aanwezig)
Aanvang bijeenkomst: 12.30 uur
Einde discussie: 13.45 uur
Allen welkom!
Wel aanmelding vooraf op
Kosovo, factor of stability in the region
Op dinsdag 22 februari 2011 organiseren NGIZ Utrecht en SIB Utrecht, in Instituto Cervantes te Utrecht, de tweede bijeenkomst van hun meerjarige samenwerkingsproject ALB FACT (The Albanian Factor in South Eastern Europe). Spreker is Z.E. Nexhmi Rexhepi, Ambassadeur van Kosovo in Nederland. Na een inleiding door de Ambassadeur zal er uitvoerig gelegenheid zijn om in discussie te gaan (met de Ambassadeur en het publiek) over stabiliteit in de regio, naast tal van andere thema’s.
De aanwezigheid van diverse andere Ambassadeurs uit de Westelijke Balkan regio wordt opnieuw verwacht. De voertaal is Engels.
Aanvang: 19.15 uur
Einde: 21.30 uur
Aanmelding kan via de website van het ALB FACT project:, waar ook veel achtergrond informatie is te vinden.
De toestand in de wereld door Ko Colijn
Het bestuur nodigt u hierbij van harte uit deel te nemen aan de lunchlezing op met als titel:
De toestand in de wereld.
Spreker: Prof. Dr J. (Ko) Colijn, defensiespecialist, voorzitter NGIZ Rotterdam en Hoofd van het ‘Security and Conflict Programme’ van Instituut Clingendael
Tijd: 12.00-14.00 uur
Locatie: Huize Molenaar
Korte Nieuwstraat 6
3512 NM Utrecht
Kosten: €15,00 (leden/vrienden); voor studenten € 5,00
Betaling: Contant ter plekke, graag met gepast geld.
Aanmelden noodzakelijk: bij voorkeur per e-mail
Bij verhindering, uiterlijk op dinsdag voor de lunch afmelden bij de heer H. Audretsch, secretaris.
Zonder tijdige afmelding wordt, ook aan studenten, € 15,00 in rekening gebracht.
Comparing Turkey’s and EU ’s Neighbourhood Policies: conditionality versus regional integration
The NGIZ, the Turkey Institute and the Czech Centre are very pleased to invite you to a serie of debate entitled: ‘Europe from the East’.
More than twenty years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the debate on European affairs is still dominated by Western European intellectuals and think tanks. This series of debates offers fresh perspectives on the problems and challenges Europe faces wi th scholars, politici ans and writers from new and potential future EU -members.
‘Comparing Turkey’s and EU ’s Neighbourhood Policies will be the first lecture.
The EU’s policies towards its eastern and southern neighbours aim to export its model of democracy and prosperity in return for closer political ties and greater access to the European market. This conditional approach has had little effect in the Mediterranean. Turkey however has in recent years become a driving force behind regional economic and political integration.
Kemal Kirişci (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul), a specialist in the field of EU-Turkish relations, will draw a comparison between the European and Turkish approach using new data.
Discussant: Mathieu Segers (Utrecht University)
Mderator: Lily Sprangers (Turkey Institute)
Date: February 9, 20:00 hrs
Location: Het Nutshuis, Riviervismarkt 5, 2513 AM, The Hague
Registration is prefered by sending an email to: with ref. Kemal Kirişci.
Egypt’s Revolution and its Consequences
Wednesday 2 February Clingendael Institute organizes a panel discussion on Egypt’s Revolution and its Consequences at International Press Centre ‘Nieuwspoort’. Since the Yasmine revolution and the ouster of Tunisia’s leader Zine al Abidine Ben Ali, the Middle East has witnessed tumultuous events. Populations in other authoritarian Arab countries have taken to the streets. Every day the demonstrators are able to hold the streets in Cairo longer, the chances for president Mubarak to survive grow slimmer.
The fall of president Mubarak would have grave consequences for the whole political structure in the Middle East and the role of the United States in the region. Clingendael experts will discuss the national and international scenarios that present themselves.
The following questions will be addressed; Who belongs to the opposition? What is the role of the Muslim Brotherhood as the most important and best organized force in the country and how will a transition take place? Will Egypt get another political façade or is this going to lead to a democratic government? Is there a risk that the United States is going to lose its dominant role in the region, and has it a greater interest in stability or democracy? What are possible consequences for the rest of the Arab world and the peace with Israel, and is all this going to affect relations with the EU.
Time: Wednesday 2 February 13.00 – 14.30 hrs
Venue: International Press Centre ‘Nieuwspoort’
Lange Poten 10, The Hague
Room: Wandelganger 1
12.45-13.00 hrs: Registration
13.00-13.15 hrs: Opening: Jan Melissen (chair), Head Clingendael Diplomatic Studies
13.15-13.30 hrs: Between a military and democratic regime, Bertus Hendriks,
Senior Visiting Fellow, Clingendael Diplomatic Studies Programme
13.30-13.45 hrs: The Role of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Current Events
Roel Meijer, Senior Research Fellow Clingendael Diplomatic
Studies, Lecturer Radboud University
13.45-14.00 hrs: US foreign and security policy: between stability and solidarity
Willem Post, Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Diplomatic Studies
14.00 – 14.30 hrs: Discussion with participants
Participation: Open event: please register with ref. Egypt
Srebrenica: 15 years later and still no justice?
In July 1995 the largest mass murder in Europe since the end of World War II led to the killing of more than 8000 Bosniak men and boys. Fifteen years later some of the perpetrators – what to think of General Ratko Mladic – walk around freely and perhaps even more importantly, the relatives of the victims have still not seen adequate justice.
In the second NGIZ lecture on peace and transitional justice, prof. dr. Mient Jan Faber will look back to the last fifteen years and speak about his commitment to justice and how he actively supported the relatives of the Srebrenica victims. He will also elaborate on the international foolishness to implement new humanitarian norms, like the responsibility to protect (R2P), without evaluating and learning from Srebrenica. During the 1970’s and 1980’s prof. Faber became known as Secretary of the IKV and by his strong stand against the storing of nuclear weapons in the Netherlands. He currently holds the chair for ‘Human security in war situations’ at the VU University Amsterdam.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. M.J. Faber
Wednesday 26 January 2011, Huis de Beurs, Groningen 20:00 hrs.
Language: English
Entrance: free
De nieuwe rol van parlementen in de Europese Unie
Het bestuur nodigt u hierbij van harte uit deel te nemen aan de lunchlezing op 21 januari 2011 met als titel: De nieuwe rol van parlementen in de Europese Unie
Spreekster: Dr. Mendeltje van Keulen, adviseur van het parlement.
Tijd: 12.15-14.00 uur
Locatie: Huize Molenaar
Korte Nieuwstraat 6
3512 NM Utrecht
Kosten: € 15,00 (leden/vrienden); voor studenten € 5,00
Betaling: Contant ter plekke, graag met gepast geld.
Aanmelden noodzakelijk: bij voorkeur per e-mail
Bij verhindering, uiterlijk op dinsdag voor de lunch afmelden bij de heer H. Audretsch, secretaris.
Zonder tijdige afmelding wordt, ook aan studenten, € 15,00 in rekening gebracht.
Er zijn geen komende activiteiten gevonden.