Trade Talks The Hague

Datum: 05-11-2015

voice-for-global-tradeNGIZ Club Clingendael and The Peace Palace Library are proud to present ‘Trade Talks The Hague’, an evening with lectures, masterclasses and discussions on international trade. Specific focus will be on the development of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a  trade agreement to be negotiated between the European Union and the United States of America. After a keynote introduction to the main theme, participants can choose between various expert sessions. An authentic Dutch meal will be served between the two rounds of expert sessions. Evening will be in English.

  • Ronald Roosdorp is director International Markets and Trade Policy at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will introduce the main topic with his plenary keynote on international trade with a focus on TTIP.
  • Carlo Trojan on trade agreements and conflict arbitrage. Once called the most powerfull Dutch civil servant in Brussels, Mr Trojan now is a member of the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV).
  • Dirk Pulkowski is Senior Legal Counsel at one of the residents of the Peace Palace, the Permanent Court of Arbitrage. Mr. Pulkowski will talk about the workings of the PCA and its potential role in TTIP.
  • Arthur Neeteson talks on the history of trade flows through The Netherlands and participation in foreign investment projects (Senior Project Leader at Port of Rotterdam International).
  • Jobien Hekking (Program Manager Market Intelligence) shares her insights on trade from Africa from the latest reseach of the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI).
  • Peter Peverelli has lived in China for years and talks on developments in China, doing business with Chinese organizations and Asian Trade Agreements (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).
  • Pedro Besugo takes you on a journey to Africa on behalf of the Netherlands African Business Council and shares an insight story on how entrepreneurs in practice increase trade with Africa.
  • Wim-Hein Pals elaborates as economic analyst at Robeco on the (unfulfilled?) potential of the BRIC countries and draws the big picture of current developments in emerging markets.

17:30 Doors open

18:30 Keynote

19:00 First round expert sessions

20:00 Dutch Authentic Meal

20:45 Second round expert sessions

21:45 Drinks

Order your tickets now through Eventbrite:

Early bird ticket 15 euro (including meal, till October 12), regular ticket 25 euro.

Trade Talks The Hague is a cooperation between NGIZ Club Clingendael and the Peace Palace Library

Club Clingendael is an initiative of the Netherlands Society for international Affairs. We organise seminars and meet-ups for a new generation professionals from the business, government and academic communities with a strong interest in international affairs.

The Peace Palace Library (PPL) is one of the oldest and most prestigious libraries specialized in international law. It not only services the International Court of Justice, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, and the Hague Academy of International Law but is open to anyone with an interest in international law. A part of the Clingendael library has been transferred to PPL.







Datum: donderdag 5 november 2015 om 17.30

Peace Palace Library
Carnegieplein 2
The Hague

Early bird ticket 15 euro (including meal, till October 12), regular ticket 25 euro.